The only key to success


Success is a state of mind which differs from person to person. One may be happy with a small cottage while another may be happy with a big bungalow. Therefore, all that matters our position may be defined in future.

Whether education is really necessary to lead a successful life or not. Of course it is. But education is not all about the percentage or position acquired within college or school boundary. Education must expand our thinking capacity, must open the doors for creativity and inspire us so much that with our acquired knowledge we will be able to do out of box things.

But when we to our real education system here monetary matters emerge as a barrier and real challenge for the poor and middle class families. Because the quality of education also varies, in most cares, from aware of good quality of education while in contrast the government institutions lack in giving attention towards the pupil.

For this reason some average grade students can’t carry on their higher studies. But adding a note here, there are some noble achievers who couldn’t get the opportunity to pursue their higher studies, but at the same time their brook of knowledge, hard work and zeal to achieve something couldn’t stop them from being a success person in life.

Like our former president of India Dr. Abdul Kalam, Aiswarya Ray in film industry, Sachin Tendulkal in cricket field, Mark Zuckerberg the cofounder of Facebook and many more. All these persona have shown and proved that “Not everyone has an academic mind and they can learn in many ways.”

In the end we can say that “Education is not only the parameter for success but it highlights the path to be successful in life.”


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