Why the first impression isn’t always important?


There is always said that ‘First impression is the last impression’. But you will surprise to know that, it is not always required to impress at first sight. Whenever we talk about the first impression, the first thing that comes to our mind is nervousness that you experience within a moment.

Here are some reasons why first impression is not important?. Let’s have a look!

Then what is important?

It’s good to impress others, but not always

1. Be you – Represent the way you are, because most of the time for the sake of showing yourself differently your uniqueness get vapour. So, be you be the way you are.

2. Its ok to be wrong – We learn from our mistakes. So, its ok to make mistake so that we can be alert , can have some experience as well as rectify yourself from it.

3. Don’t over think – Think the way it is because overthinking confused us a lot while representing yourself in that situation.

4. Avoid Awkwardness – Try to involve yourself in each and everything. Don’t feel as from out of the world. Even if you don’t know to attempt it. Adjust yourself everywhere.

5. Feel comfortable – Wear whatever you are comfortable with, but must be according to the event. As you can’t wear a wedding dress in the office.

Well, first impression is definitely not last. As being fake is better than being you.


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