Aham Yogini shares her grandma’s north Indian probiotic recipe


If you’re looking to start your own tradition recipe this year, why not try a delicious drink this summer? Taking to social media blogging site the Aham Yogini, Rini Agarwal has shared a traditional north Indian homemade Probiotics drink named ‘Kanji’ which is from her grandma’s kitchen treasury. In her post, she wrote that the dink not taste yummy but also very effective for your tummy.

Here, is the full procedure of the drink. The drink literally takes just 5 minutes to prepare. I hope you will enjoy them. So, let’s scroll up.

Step 1: Take around a litre of filtered water in a glass jar.
Step 2: Mix a tsp of powdered Rai.
Step 3: Add salt to taste.
Step 4: Add a pinch of turmeric powder.
Step 5: Cover it with a cloth.
Step 6: Leave it. Let it ferment for 3-4 days, it will turn sour.
Step 7: Once it’s sour enough for you, store it in the refrigerator.
Step 8: Add veggies like radish, carrot or beetroot on it.

That’s it now, Enjoy your drink. For more healthy information follow your neighbour yoga instructor Aham Yogni in Instagram.


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