Ollywood actor Ardhendu Sundar Sahu has been quite vocal about having no political ambitions. The actor has recently said that he stands with the Maharathy family supporting his brother-in-law Rudra Maharathy after the demise of former MLA Pradeep Maharathy.
While marching in an election campaign with his wife Pallavi Maharathy, Ardhendu said, “I believe, together we can achieve everything. So, as a family member, it’s my prior duty to stand with my family. Me, my wife Pallavi and the entire family are trying our best to reach every corner of the Pipili constituency.”
“Till now we have received 100% positive response from people. If things go the same way, my brother-in-law will definitely win”, the actor said.
Late MLA Pradeep Maharathy had earlier won the hearts of people with his work and commitment. Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik’s Cabinet inducted him into the portfolio of Agriculture, Fisheries, Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water. He had won the Krishi Karman Award for four consecutive years (2014-17) and Global Agriculture Leadership Award 2016. He was the true leader of the people.
“To keep the hard work of my father-in-law alive, this time Rudra Maharathy has come up with a unique and powerful strategy for the betterment of Pipili residents,” Ardhendu confidently stated.
He further added, “Our main motto is to fulfil all the basic needs of the people and ensure growth and development of the constituency. With the blessings of God and my late father-in-law Pradeep Maharathy, everything will become possible soon.”
Worth mentioning here, this year, Rudra Pratap Maharathy of BJD, Ashrit Pattanayak of BJP and Ajit Mangaraj of Congress have filed nominations for Pipili by-polls.