Naveen announce 14-day mask put-on campaign, Here are strict rules to follow!

The one who disobeys the rule will pay Rs2,000 which will increase to Rs5,000 from the third violation onwards.


By announcing a 14-day mask put-on campaign, the Chief Minister of Odisha, Sri Naveen Patnaik urges people to take precautions to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. Addressing the public in his Twitter account, Patnaik requested them to wear mask properly by not hanging it on their necks.

Here are points CM narrated:

  • To beat Coronavirus we must wear the mask in a way so that it covers the mouth, nose and chin.
  • Naveen asked all mothers to ensure that family members wear masks properly while stepping out of the house. If the women inside the house are alert the virus will never enter the house.
  • The Police and administration officials have been asked to collect fines from people roaming in public places without wearing mask properly. The government has taken a decision to double fines for people violating mask.
  • Other countries are facing a third wave of COVID-19 and several states have declared lockdown, shutdown, night curfew. Odisha is also witnessing an increased number of cases. So, if we will make a small change in our lifestyle and wear masks, then we could protect ourselves from the virus and avoid the negative impact of lockdown.
  • The penalty for not wearing the mask has been doubled. Anyone who will be seen without a mask or wearing it in the wrong way will be charged a fine of Rs2,000 for the two-three times. It can be increased to Rs5,000 from the third-fourth violation onwards.

#FollowCOVIDrules #WearMaskProperly #StopLockdown #StaySafe #ObeyRules


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