As we celebrate Friendship day every year on first Sunday of August month, lets share some reaction of the friends according to the situation. Have a look.

We all have some friends in our life who are straight forward to us and some, who are crazy. Those crazy friends are the one who stay years and years with us.
- Planning birthday:
Others- HBD, this gift is for you, have a nice day. My Friend- be ready for the treat, will decide gift after that.
- When you get your partner:
Others- such a beautiful couple. My friend- you forgot me after getting your partner, now I am not your friend.
- While breakup:
Others- it’s his loss, you move on. My friend- no one can’t stay with you mad girl.
- Trip plans:
Others- let’s plan we will take leave together. My friend- let’s go to Goa, sorry guys mummy will not allow me.
- Social media comments:
Others- beautiful, hot. My friend- first look at the mirror.
- When you are injured:
Others- get well soon. My friend- give me that Horlicks and chocolates, that your guests has borough.
- Long time, no meeting:
Others- miss you. My friend- you have time for boy friend but not for me.
- Paying bills
Others- we will split. My friend- give for me.