Some Benefits of Baking Soda for Beauty


 If you will ask me what to use for beauty? I would rather prefer you to use the natural ingredients.  The baking soda which we use as a ingredient to cook for making our food delicious, can do wonders on your skin replacing many harsh and toxic products and will provide excellent results  as it is an ingredient that you can always find in the kitchen and a sodium bicarbonate which is safer as well as healthier.

In order to have the skincare formulae, along with baking soda. Here we have shared the beauty benefits of baking soda. Let’s scroll up!

1. Skin Glow –

Make the paste by mixing baking soda with orange juice, apply that on your skin. Wait for ten to fifteen minutes to dry up  the applied area. Wash that area properly with cold water to remove the applied paste.

2. Acne Scars –

To get rid of acne scars from your face. Use the paste of baking soda and cool water at least two times a day. leave it for five minutes, wash that area.

3. Remove Sunburn –

The paste with baking soda and water provides you great result and best part is that it is a quick process as well as easily available. Apply that in the affected area dry it up and wash with cool water.

4. Clean the Layer –

Apply this paste of dilute baking soda in a little water on the face leaving the sensitive skin around the eyes scrub for around 10 minute and dry it. Wash your face to remove dead skin cells and other impurities.

5. Skin whitening –  

 To whiten up the skin apply a paste of baking soda and water on the face and gently rub for 5 minutes and then wash your face with cool water. It bill better if you will put the moisturiser after wash.

6. Remove Tan –

To make a paste mix baking soda, water and a little vinegar in a bowl. Apply this on the tanned areas leave it for about 10 minutes, then wash off. Repeat it twice a week.

7.  Pink lips –

Apply the mixture on the lips by taking the equal quantities of baking soda and honey in a bowl, and mix them well and rub gently to exfoliate then leave it for 5 minutes and then wash. It will provide you quick result if you will repeat the process twice a week.

8. Eliminating body odor –

 Make a thick paste by mixing baking soda and a little freshly squeezed lemon juice in a bowl, apply the paste on the body parts that sweat a lot. For example the place like underarms, neck etc. keep it for 50 minutes. Wash the paste . Repeat the process in  every alternate day.

9. Teeth whitening –

Add some baking soda on the toothbrush with the toothpaste while brushing your teeth for 3 minutes. Wash your mouth well. Try to repeat it once a day.

10. Skin rashes –

Baking soda will give immediate relief from skin rashes only if you will add a pinch of baking soda in a little coconut oil, mix well. Apply this paste on the affected area and leave it for around five minutes.


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