Things need to avoid of Bura Na Mano Holi Hai!

Though Holi is a festival of togetherness but still we  dare not forget sometimes a deep psychological scar if safety measures are ignored. Let’s not normalize the pretext...

New Vote Rap will hype the 2019 Election poll

Now, Kolkata Gully Boys are ready to swag this election poll with the vote rap. The Boys have come up with vote rap 'Botton Daba' with the lines “Vote Vote...

Some Ironies that exist in India

Most of us know that what is good and bad for us, most of our contradiction arise from society and few are from our attitude. Here, are one of...

This can prevent split ends

It's very common in girls, facing the split ends due to the pollution, heat styling, poor eating habits. Before your hair start splitting, do have your prevention. Don’t wash frequently...

This Method will easily remove your unwanted body hairs

Mostly women prefer the popular shaving and waxing method, but there are many ways to get rid of excess body hair. Here we have the list, let’s check out. How...

This STAR method will ace your interview

While preparing for a interview especially at the time of behavioral interview; the skills, strengths, weakness of candidate were identified as well as the past experiences of educational, employment,...